
Anglické divadlo

26.11. se konalo v naší škole anglické interaktivní představení LET´S GO TRAVEL společnosti The Bear Educational Theatre. Tentokrát se cestovalo po Velké Británii. Studenti dostávali otázky na které ihned odpovídali.

V roce 2004 získalo divadlo ocenění EU Label prize za inovativní přínos v jazykovém vzdělávání od Ministerstva školství a Evropské agentury Soctrates.

The Let's Go Travel show gives the audience an exciting and interactive introduction to Britain today. Lenka is a girl from Eastern Europe with an English boyfriend called Martin. When Martin is offered a well-paid job in England, he asks Lenka to marry him. However, Lenka has never been to Britain, so Martin takes her (and the audience) on a quick tour so she can see 'the best of Britain.'
' In the end the audience decide if Lenka will marry Martin and move to Britain or not. The show itself is simple, visual, interactive and a lot of fun. However, underneath the surface are important issues of partnership, personal identity, and how we view people from other cultures. This means that students not only enjoy the show, but also have plenty to think about after they leave.

Vrchlického 567, 379 01 Třeboň

sekretariát: 389 822 150
ředitel: 389 822 153

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