
English Film Club


Josefína sapíková wrote:
The first screening of the school cinema was on 7th November. Although not many students arrived (only one, actually), I still think it is a very interesting idea and that more people should attend, because it is a fun addition to English lessons. It's a great way to improve English and maybe even learn something new from history at the same time. I'm looking forward to the next screening in November and hope that more students will join me!

Everyone knows the name Diana. The beloved Princess's life wasn't long, but she tried to make the world better. She fought against land mines, helped people who were disfigured by them, worked for charity and helped people with AIDS. With all her humanitarian work, she had little to no privacy. Paparazzi followed her every footstep, especially after her separation with Prince Charles and their later divorce. But princesses fall in love too, and one day Diana meets a certain heart surgeon named Hasnat Khan. She instantly falls in love with him they soon become a couple. But of course, their relationship must remain secret. After some time, Diana wants to marry Hasnat, and decides to go visit his Pakistani family to get his mothers blessing. Although his whole family likes her, Diana is still a christian and a divorced woman, and that causes a problem. Hasnat has to choose between relationship and his career. And because career made him the person he is now, the choice is clear. When he wants to reason with Diana, she gets mad and breaks up with him. As an attempt to punish him, she finds her a new lover, Dodi Fayed. She makes sure that her photos with Dodi are in every newspaper for Hasnat to see. But every story has to end, and even Diana's life isn't eternal. On 31st August 1997, she dies in a car crash. Even though her life ended so soon, people will never forget her and her work.

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