
Návštěva Selesiánského divadla v Praze

Návštěva divadelního představení v Praze

Ve čtvrtek 9.10. třídy 4OA a 4OB poctily svou návštěvou naše hlavní město Prahu v rámci výuky anglického jazyka, kdy zhlédly v originále divadelní představení Frankenstein. Po ukončení se obě třídy přesunuly metrem do centra na Staroměstské náměstí a Celetné ulice, kde jsme všichni navštívili Muzeum čokolády. Do Třeboně jsme dorazili ve večerních hodinách.

Šárka Vrchotová, učitelka anglického jazyka

Zde jsou příspěvky jednotlivých studentů jak v českém, tak anglickém jazyce.

Meškánová Michaela

Frankenstein v Salesiánském divadle v Praze

Dne 9. října jsme zhlédli na pódiu Salesiánského divadla v Praze divadelní hru, hororový román, s názvem Frankenstein, jehož autorkou je Mary Shelley. O toto velmi poutavé představení se zasloužilo English Theatre, režii a úpravy zpracovali Paul Stebbings a Phill Smith. O obsazení hlavních rolí se postarali herci Mag Travers, Kieran Mortell, Gareth Fordred a George McLean.
Co se týče hereckého výkonu, tak musím říci, že byl podle mého názoru opravdu výborný. Herecké podání bylo naprosto obdivuhodné a použité kostýmy perfektně odpovídaly době a ději. Hudba, která doprovázela představení, se mi také velmi líbila, budilo to ve mně více dramatizujících okamžiků, které k takovýmto hrám neodmyslitelně patří. Co se týče atmosféry v divadle, lze konstatovat, že byla příjemná a byla velmi často doprovázena smíchem diváků.
Celkově bych toto divadelní představení zhodnotila jako velice kvalitní. Splnilo mé očekávání a jsem ráda, že jsem měla možnost tuto divadelní scénu zhlédnout. Myslím si, že toto představení bylo originální a pro všechny věkové kategorie rozhodně poutavé. Všem upřímně a vřele doporučuji.

Formánová Veronika


On the ninth of October I visited Prague. It had one reason. I wanted to see the theatre. This theatre play was in Salesian theatre in Kobylisy which is a part of Prague.
This theatre play was called Dr. Frankenstein. It is one of the most potent modern myths. It is inspired by the novel by Mary Shelley. She wrote it in 1816 and she was inspired by classic romanticism. But this story was overwritten by Paul Stebbings and Phil Smith. The director was Paul Stebbings.
This play was played by four actors. One of the main roles included a young man, Kieran Mortell who played Dr. Frankenstein. I believe it was hard because he had to change his mood every moment like he had to scream and then he had to be nice to his fiancé. I think his performance was one of the best in this play.
Then there was Frankenstein's monster that was played by older man whose name is Gareth Ford Red. Like a monster he had a mask, so it looked real.
There was George McLean who played more roles and it was interesting show how he changed the nature of the various characters.
The last one there was a woman who played Dr. Frankenstein's fiancé. Her real name is Mag Travers. She played a sensitive girl.
The scene was simple but it was enough for this purpose. The dominant was two wooden cages. The same scene applies for costumes which were almost identical.
This story has lots of film versions and the same is for theatre. So I thought it could surprise me. But this theatre play was really funny and I think there were a lot of modern elements. At the end I have to say that it was an amazing performance.


 Lenka Čížková 

I saw an English performance two weeks ago. I was suprised because I didn´t know this story. The story is a horror novel by Mary Shelley, adapted by Paul Stebbings and Phil Smith and directed by Paul Stebbings.
The scene was very simple and perfomed by four actors. The actors were from England and they were excellent. The story was also humorous conceived and understood for each spectator. The show is about a scientist who creates a man - a monster who doesn´t realize his power and kills innocent people. Playing of this performance was certainly very difficult. And so we thank the actors for their performance.
Such the performance could be more often in the Czech
Republic. It is very instructive.

Andrea Císařová Review of Frankenstein Theatre

Frankenstein Theatre Review:

On Thursday, 9th of October, I had a pleasure to watch Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein performance in the English Theatre in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. It was a very nice location and a quite impressive audience there. The acoustic in the theatre was very good too and there was also no obstructed view for any of the visitors. Thus, I liked this location very much and I can also recommend it for watching other plays in it. If you watch Frankenstein in Prague, you also have the opportunity to see so called “Golden City” with all its old and nice buildings and take an awesome sightseeing trip throughout this wonderful city.

The set was beautifully designed and also the costumes and make-up of the actors were really well done. Notably, the costumes appeared very realistic and fashionable to me which improved the overall impression of the play. Also the materials on the stage have been quite nicely designed and rounded off the pleasant impression.

The performance of the actors was quite astonishing. Every single actor did the work very well and there was somehow no real deficit I could notice. The speech was very clear and understandable, the moves seemed very realistic and I also liked their gestures. Thus, I have no critics on how the actors played and I would be interested to see more of their performances. Although all actors did their work very well, the outstanding performance of the main character Frankenstein was remarkable because I was able to really feel the background as well as the ideas behind this figure by Mary Shelley.

I also liked the adaptations by the director of the play which made the whole play even more interesting for me. All actions of the actors seemed appropriate and also the interaction between the actors seemed to work quite well. Altogether it was a very good teamwork between the director and the actors of the play.

I also want to note the elegance of the music and sound effects in this play. On the one hand, they suited very well, and on the other hand, they have been very beautiful and nice-sounding. I was amazed how such music and sound effects can improve the play if they fit to every scene performed by the actors.

What I liked most about this version of Frankenstein was how the big questions popped up during the play. These questions were asked a long time ago in our society and are more up to date than ever today. How far should researchers go with stem cell research? Is it right to perform genetic engineering? Do we really need and want to intervene in Mother Nature’s work? Do we want to create artificial intelligence which means computers that can think and act like humans? If we create such artificial intelligence, are they good, or are they bad? Are they then used to save lives or are they used to kill in war and for money? I think all these questions have been really well described and communicated via this play. Consequently, this play was not only a really nice work by the actors, but they also accomplished to deliver the message which is intended by the play. The audience was encouraged to really think of our future and whether we need all this stuff of artificial intelligence and genetic engineering to “make our life easier” or if we can stay with our life and let Mother Nature untouched. This question should be answered by everybody himself or herself.

Altogether I want to encourage you to attend and watch Frankenstein by this casting. It was really well played, the costumes were quite impressive and also the music and sound effects were designed very well and suited perfectly to the whole play. Furthermore, it also targets latest questions of our today’s society, namely the need and consequences of artificial intelligence, stem cell research and genetic engineering which stimulates you to think about these important questions. 


Vrchlického 567, 379 01 Třeboň

sekretariát: 389 822 150
ředitel: 389 822 153

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