

V úterý 10. října 2023 se studenti z 1., 3. a 4. ročníku Obchodní akademie a Výtvarného zpracování skla rozjeli do Českých Budějovic na anglické divadelní představení „Pygmalion“ od anglického spisovatele G.B. Shaw. Celé představení bylo podbarvené zpěvem i tancem a angličtí herci předvedli vynikající výkony pouze v pětičlenném souboru.

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Yesterday I've been to a theatre in České Budějovice with my school. The play that was acted out in front of a large audience was called Pygmailon. All the characters in the play were played by a large crew, a whopping 5 people – and it was AWESOME. I loved the way they were talking, their body language, and the little jokes between some scenes. In the play they sang and danced. It was a truly fascinating show.

The play was written by George Bernard Shaw. It's about a phonetics teacher called Henry Higgins, who makes a bet with a friend named Mr.Pickering, that in "6 no 3 moths" is able to change a common flower girl (seller) and her poor talking capabilities into a well-spoken and a well-mannered dutchess that can fit in well with royal people in the Buckingham Palace. And so he does. After it's all over Professor Higgins has an argument with Eliza (Elizabeth, Betty – the common flower girl to dutchess) in which she realizes that he sees her only as a prized possession or an achievement that he can show to others. She runs away and Professor Higgins goes to sleep. In the morning he realizes that he is wrong and chases after her. How does it end? That's for you to find out by yourself.

I've been to two versions of Pygmalion – one Czech and one English. The one I saw yesterday was the English one and I have to say it was the best theatre play I've ever seen in a while. I enjoyed it a lot and I really recommend it to older teens and adults.

Thanks for reading my review.

Lukáš Lacina


The play I am going to tell you is named Pygmalion. The play was written by George Bernard Shaw. It is based on a myth from Greek mythology about the king and the sculptor named Pygmalion. The general idea of that myth was a popular subject in the Victorian era.

The play is about Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics, he is so confident that he can train anyone to speak perfect English so he makes a bet with his new friend Colonel Pickering that he will train a poor Cockney flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, to sound like a duchess.

I really recommend this play. I liked how the actors showed different accents and how they showed their characters. I believe that everyone can find something to learn from this play.

Milana Aksamentava


The story is about Dr. Higgins who goes to the streets with his friend, and they see a girl who can’t speak properly. So, Higgins and his friend make a bet that he can teach her how to speak on a higher level. They start to teach her and after a while, she shows her skills to Higgin´s mom. His mom isn’t pleased with her performance because the girl isn’t herself. After some time, the girl realizes that she is just a bet and gets angry and goes away from Dr.. Higgins.

We already saw that one in Prague but in the Czech language. The actors were speaking clearly so I understood very well. The one we saw in Prague was longer and more detailed, but I enjoyed both and I think everybody should try to see it.

Matyas Sháněl


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