
Anglické divadlo – Christmas Carol

Po tříleté covidové odmlce studenti ze tříd 2OA, 2ZS, 4M, 4MU a 2N navštívili Divadlo Oskara Nedbala v Táboře s anglickým představením „Christmas Carol“ spisovatele Charlese Dickense s rodilými mluvčími, kteří pravidelně vystupují v naší republice dvakrát do roka a toto dílo se snažili přizpůsobit současnému diváku.

Zde jsou příspěvky jednotlivých studentů v anglickém jazyce.

Christmas Carol - review  -  Antonín Kulich

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is a novel that was first published in 1843. The story unfolds in London and it is about an old man Scrooge who does not like Christmas.

Scrooge hates everything which belongs to Christmas. He shouts at the people who want to wish him merry Christmas and he wants to be alone. One day during Christmas time, he falls asleep and he dreams about Christmas spirits. They show him his past, memories from his childhood and so many things which Scrooge forgets. When he wakes up, he starts to like Christmas again.

I really enjoyed the theatre show, actors were brilliant and I loved Christmas vibes which this show gave me. I would like to recommend to all people who read this review.

Christmas Carol

Christmas Carol was directed by Charles Dickens in 19th century. It’s a theatre play which we saw on 1st November in Tábor. This theatre play was played by five English actors Emily Rose Laurance, Aimee Hislop, Peter Brennan, Sam Wright and Rey Edwards

The story is about Scrooge. Scrooge is an older man who is focus only on money. He never gives money to anybody. But one day he meets ghosts. They want him to be a better person. They take him to the past. They show him his childhood and one poor family. After that he decides that he must change. So, he isn’t mean, and he hasn’t got problems to help anybody.

I think it was a good theatre play because we could improve our English skills. I really liked those actors sometimes sang, and some scenes were funny. I only had a problem because sometimes actors spoke quietly, so I didn’t hear them. However, if I have a change, I’ll go to see it again.

Romana Divoká


Christmas Carol

       This theatre play is based on a book written by Charles Dickens in 1843. The main characters are Scrooge (Reg Edwards), nephew Fred (Sam Wright), Belle (Aimee Hislop), Cratchit (Peter Brennan) and Ghosts (Emily Rose Laurence). The play is directed by Paul Stebbings and Christian Flint. It was played in November 1th 2022 in Tábor theatre. The play was divided into two parts and as a complex it had around 1 hour and 50 minutes.

        It’s about stingy Ebenezer Scrooge who doesn’t like to spend his money. He doesn’t want to let his tenants go home for Christmas. On 24th December night he’s visited by 3 ghosts. Firstly, the Ghost of Christmas Past, who shows him his childhood and his ex-fiancée, Belle. He starts feeling human emotion and nostalogia. Secondly, he’s awaken by the Ghost of Christmas Present, who shows him what he’s missing with his nephew Fred. She also shows him the life of one of his tenants, Bob and his family. Lastly, the Ghost of Christmas Future appears and shows him that no one is sad because of his death. The only death they mourn is Tiny Tim (Bob´s son). Then he wakes up and likes Christmas again.

        I kindly enjoyed the play because some parts were really fun. The only problem was that the music was sometimes too loud so I couldn’t hear the actors.

                                                                                    Tereza Vlková

Vrchlického 567, 379 01 Třeboň

sekretariát: 389 822 150
ředitel: 389 822 153

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