
Anglické divadlo - Tom Sawyer

Jako již tradičně studenti ze tříd 1M, 2M, 3M a 2N navštívili divadlo v Českých Budějovicích tentokrát s anglickým představením „Tom Sawyer“ spisovatele Marka Twaina s rodilými mluvčími, kteří pravidelně vystupují v naší republice dvakrát do roka.
                                                                                                                Mgr. Šárka Vrchotová

On 23rd October we had a chance to see an English theatre performance in the Metropolis in České Budějovice. The theatre performance was about Tom Sawyer. Tom is a boy from an American city in the nineteenth century. Together with his best friend have different adventures. I never heard about it so I didn´t know what to expect. The plot was interesting. There were songs that made it better and nicer. In some parts there were funny moments so that the whole theatre laughed. A performace had been played only with five actors who played sixteen characters. Their English was easy to understand. The story caught our attention so much that we forgot time.
One word – Amazing!
                                                                                                             Simona Daňhelová, 3M

Vrchlického 567, 379 01 Třeboň

sekretariát: 389 822 150
ředitel: 389 822 153

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